Data Quality Report configuration ================================= .. |date| date:: .. |time| date:: %H:%M This document was built from version |version|, |today| at |time| .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Table of contents :name: mastertoc :numbered: Introduction ============ The current versions of this document are available online as HTML and PDF. These are built automatically when new versions are merged. .. list-table:: Documentation :header-rows: 1 * - Type - Link * - HTML user's manual - * - PDF user's manual - * - HTML programming docs - * - PDF API - This project has a few applications that manage DQR configuration files. The configuration processing is designed to make it easy to add new analyses to the report, defining all requirements from the infrastructure in the configuration file. Current status ++++++++++++++ Version |version| is the current version it will create htCondor DAG and submit files from configuration files. It should be considered a prototype whose purpose is demonstrate feasibility and evoke suggestions. Download ++++++++ This software is available as a pip installable, pure python package. It is available from with appropriate LVK credentials. Version 1.0.x will be open source and moved to github when reviewed and ready for O4. Use the command: .. code-block:: git clone or .. code-block:: git clone Contributions +++++++++++++ We welcome any and all help in this project. We ask that all contributions be made in a branch or fork then submitted with a Merge Request -- see :ref:`how-to-contribute-label` for details. Installation ++++++++++++ The prototype project has not been uploaded to PyPI and Conda so please clone the git project (see above). It is designed to be installed into a recent IGWN conda environment see We recommend using a development conda environment be used to isolate any version conflicts from production .. code-block:: conda activate igwn-py38 cd o4-dqr-configuration pip install . We can also work with a minimal Conda environment using Python 3.7 or 3.8. To create a new environment a conda or miniconda installation is needed. If neither is installed mini conda is recommended see To install a minimal environment: .. code-block:: conda create --name o4_dqr_proto python=3.8 conda activate o4_dqr_proto conda install m2crypto pykerberos # For sphinx documentation building conda install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme pip install git+ssh:// Building the documentation ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. code-block:: cd docs make html The main html page will be :samp:`build/html/index.html`. If you have texlive installed you can create a pdf version with .. code-block:: cd docs make latexpdf The single PDF will be :samp:`build/latex/dqrconfiguration.pdf`. .. include:: howtorun.rst .. include:: syntax.rst .. include:: contribute.rst Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`